Let's talk songs.

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    See yourself more clearly.

    Connect with others more deeply.

    Experience the life-changing adventure of writing your song.

    The SongSidekick credo:

    1. Writing a song is a life-changing journey.

    2. Anyone can write a song. (Even if you’ve never sung a note or played an instrument in your life.)

    3. Award-winning SongSidekick Becky Warren will guide you through the adventure.

    Picture of SongSidekick founder Becky Warren

    Hey y’all! I’m Becky Warren.

    I’ve been writing songs for over 30 years and I’ve had many industry successes—I open frequently for the Indigo Girls, I won a Kerrville New Folk award, and I appeared on NPR's All Things Considered and in Rolling Stone. But accolades aren’t what keep me writing.

    I write to:

    • Make sense of difficult times in my life

    • Preserve memories of joyful or meaningful events

    • Connect with others who I love, or who have similar experiences

    • Feel the rush of bringing something totally new into the world

    Why should this amazing adventure be available only to people with the time to learn an instrument or the privilege of being able to pursue it as a career? I believe anyone can write a song and everyone should. You just need a little support from me—your SongSidekick.

    Want to know if SongSidekick is right for you? Book a free 10-minute exploratory chat.

    What will your song be?

    • A mother and daughter have fun on vacation

      I want to tell someone how I feel.

      Do you want to knock someone’s socks off with the greatest gift of all time? Tell your spouse how much you love them, your child how proud you are, or your parents how much you admire them. SongSidekick will help you write a song they’ll cherish forever.

    • Two Baby Boomers vacation in a retro Winnebago

      I seek adventure!

      Writing a song is the adventure of a lifetime. Try something novel, learn some new skills, discover more about yourself, and end up with a song that will remind you forever of your daring journey. Let SongSidekick be your guide.

    • Someone uses a typewriter

      I have a story to tell.

      Share your hard-won wisdom with loved ones, make meaning out of the events of your life, let go after a break-up, or help others with your experience. Award-winning songwriter Becky Warren can help you tell the world who you are.

    • Beautiful vista of lake and mountains

      I want to make something beautiful.

      Feeling stuck? Let SongSidekick help you get ‘unstuck’ so that you can write the song you know is in you.

    SongSidekick reviews: